B-217 F/F, Chittranjan Park
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM


Sensory Feeding Difficulties

Many children treated in OT for sensory integration disorders experience difficulties with feeding. Sensory issues are often overlooked, or misinterpreted as behavioural problems. Here at OT4KIDS we can assess the possible different causes of food refusal and food selectivity, to try and ensure a proper understanding of the feeding problem. We will consider sensory, motor, psychological and medical issues that may all coexist and lead to feeding problems. By understanding the underlying issues causing feeding difficulties, the correct treatment approach which most suits your child / young person can be chosen and they can be referred to the professional who can best meet their needs. If the child / young person’s feeding difficulties are found to be sensory based, then we can help them through a sensory integration approach. We can address sensory issues related to feeding in children with a variety of diagnoses and ages – from cerebral palsy to subtle developmental issues and from 6 months through to older children / young people.

What are feeding and swallowing disorders?

Feeding disorders include problems gathering food and getting ready to suck, chew, or swallow it. For example, a child who cannot pick up food and get it to her mouth or cannot completely close her lips to keep food from falling out of her mouth may have a feeding disorder.

Swallowing disorders, also called dysphasia, can occur at different stages in the swallowing process:

Oral Phase

Pharyngeal phase

Oesophageal phase

What are some signs or symptoms of feeding and swallowing disorders in children?

Children with feeding and swallowing problems have a wide variety of symptoms. Not all signs and symptoms are present in every child.

The following are signs and symptoms of feeding and swallowing problems in very young children:

arching or stiffening of the body during feeding

irritability or lack of alertness during feeding

refusing food or liquid

long feeding times (e.g., more than 30 minutes)

gurgly, hoarse, or breathy voice quality

frequent spitting up or vomiting

less than normal weight gain or growth


Why Choose Us

We are providing quality Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Special Education, Psychological services and Pediatric Physiotherapy services by experienced therapist under supervision of well known Occupational Therapist Dr Arpan Kumar, who has more than 18 years of experience in handling the children with various difficulties. He is a certified HWT expert in Handwriting from USA. He has passion to work with children with different abilities.







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